Pernah pesan buku di Amazon?

Bagaimana seandainya buku yang kita pesan nggak pernah sampai, padahal
Amex sudah mengirimkan tagihan harga buku sebulan sebelumnya?

Secara teori, kita tahu jawabannya. Tapi dalam praktek, apa yang
bakal terjadi?

Ternyata ini yang terjadi:

From: orders-reply¤amazon·com

Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2003 15:25:20 -0800

To: spaceman-spiff¤kun·co·ro

Subject: Your Amazon.com Order (#102-2314788-4668911)

Greetings again from Amazon.com.

I am sorry that you have not received this order; it appears the
package may be lost. Please accept our sincere apologies for this

I have placed a new order for the items. There will be no charge
for this replacement. Here are the details of the new order:

Order Number: 001-2953862-6607418

Shipping Speed: Expedited International

Estimated Delivery Date: January 13th – January 18th

If the original package should arrive before the replacement has
been shipped, please cancel your replacement order by clicking the
“Your Account” link at the top of our web site. If the original
package should arrive afterwards, please contact us so we can
determine how best to proceed.

We appreciate your business and hope to see you again soon at

Best regards,

Kris A

Categories: Uncategorised