Satu lagi serial C++ in Depth: Applied C++. Dan sesuai misi serial ini, buku-buku ini berfokus pada pendalaman pemrograman dengan C++, biarpun judulnya selalu sederhana. Addison Wesley baru akan menerbitkan buku ini awal bulan Mei 2003. Lebih lanjut, Addison Wesley mengulas:

Applied C++ reflects the power of C++, templates, and the STL for industrial-strength programming. The numerous tips and techniques presented in this book will help you to improve your language and design skills and show you how to solve substantial problems more effectively. To illustrate software techniques useful for any application, the authors present a toolkit to solve the complex problem of digital image manipulation. By using a concrete, real-world problem, with exact feature, performance, and extensibility requirements described, they show — in a way that theoretical books cannot — how to leverage existing software components and the tools inherent to C++ to speed development, promote reuse, and deliver successful software products. In this book, you will find:

  • A C++ templates primer
  • Workable coding guidelines and extensive coding examples
  • Quick lists of need-to-know information about Exceptions, Assertions, and Standard Template Library components
  • A technique for effectively using prototypes to move your design from an initial concept to a robust solution
  • A technique for building debugging support into your software without a ton of overhead
  • Thirteen specific techniques to improve the overall performance of your software
  • The accompanying CD-ROM contains all the source code for the book’s examples–the image framework, the unit test framework, makefiles–as well as useful third-party software, such as Sysinteral’s DebugView and evaluation versions of the Intel? Integrated Performance Primitives (Intel IPP) for optimizing your code and the Intel? C++ Compiler.

Tertarik? Klik aja di kover buku itu. Kalau aku sih … nabung dulu ah. Udah ada tiga buku merah di rak buku C++ aku, sama beberapa buku dari seri lain.

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