
Mengikuti titah Enda di id-Blog, aku coba tumblelog. Apa itu? Menurut Kottke, seperti yang dipost di Wikipedia, “A tumblelog is a quick and dirty stream of consciousness, a bit like a remaindered links style linklog but with more than just links. They remind me of an older style of blogging, back when people did sites by hand, before Movable Type made post titles all but mandatory, blog entries turned into short magazine articles, and posts belonged to a conversation distributed throughout the entire blogosphere. Robot Wisdom and Bifurcated Rivets are two older style weblogs that feel very much like these tumblelogs with minimal commentary, little cross-blog chatter, the barest whiff of a finished published work, almost pure editing…really just a way to quickly publish the ‘stuff’ that you run across every day on the web“.

Untuk percobaan, aku set di KUnCOro.CO.UK. Tapi isinya baru tulisan dan gambar buat testing.

Categories: Web

4 Replies to “Tumblelog”

    • Kemaren waktu ada temen tanya, aku cuman membandingkan bahwa kalau wordpress itu diary, tumblr itu block note. Bertanggal, tanpa jam, tanpa komentar. Enak untuk penikmat blog yang lagi sangat sibuk untuk membuat posting lengkap.

    • Tentu :). Tapi, nggak seperti yang tongtongsot bilang, trend itu berakhir bukan karena padam, tapi karena ada improvement dan enhancement yang memperkaya kemanusiaan kita. Dan kalau memang fungsional dan memang dibutuhkan, kenapa tidak? Aku sendiri merasa terbantu.

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