IIJ: Draft Version

Mas Thomas Hardjono pagi ini mengirimkan draft Edisi 1 dari Internetworking Indonesia Journal (IIJ). CFP-nya pernah dipampangkan di blog ini tahun lalu. Bulan-bulan terakhir ini, Mas Thomas nyaris sendirian mengepalai proses editing jurnal ini.

Tentang IIJ sendiri, demikian ditulis pada jurnal itu:

The Internetworking Indonesia Journal (IIJ) was borne out of the need to address the lack of an Indonesia-wide independent academic and professional journal covering the broad area of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Internet development in Indonesia. The broad aims of the Internetworking Indonesia Journal (IIJ) are thus as follows:

  • Provide an Indonesia-wide independent journal on ICT: The IIJ seeks to be an Indonesia-wide journal that is independent from any specific institution in Indonesia (such as universities and government bodies). Currently in Indonesia there are a number of university-issued journals that publish only papers from those respective universities. Often these university journals experience difficulty in maintaining sustainability due to the limited number of internally sourced papers. Additionally, most of these university-issued journals do not have an independent review and advisory board, and most do not have referees and reviewers from the international community.
  • Provide a publishing venue for graduate students: The IIJ seeks also to be a venue for publication for graduate students (i.e. Masters/S2 and PhD/S3 students) as well as working academics in the broad field of ICT. This includes graduate students from Indonesian universities and those studying abroad. The IIJ provides an avenue for these students to publish their papers to a journal that is international in its reviewer scope and in its advisory board.
  • Improve the quality of research & publications on ICT in Indonesia: One of the long term goals of the IIJ is to promote research on ICT and Internet development in Indonesia, and over time to improve the quality of academic and technical publications from the Indonesian ICT community. Additionally, the IIJ journal seeks also to be the main publication venue for various authors worldwide whose interest include Indonesia and its growing area of information and communication technology.
  • Provide access to academics and professionals overseas: The Editorial Advisory Board (EAB) of the IIJ is intentionally composed of international academics and professionals, as well as those from Indonesia. The aim here is to provide Indonesian authors with access to international academics and professionals within the context of a publication that is aware of the issues facing a developing nation. Similarly, the IIJ seeks to provide readers worldwide with easy access to information regarding ICT and Internet development in Indonesia.
  • Promote the culture of writing and authorship: The IIJ seeks to promote the culture of writing and of excellent authorship in Indonesia within the broad area of ICT. The availability of an Indonesia-wide journal with an international advisory board may provide an incentive and impetus for young academics, students and professionals in Indonesia to develop writing skills appropriate for a journal. This in-turn may encourage and train them to subsequently publish in other international journals.

Tunggu versi finalnya ya. Free of charge.


  1. Koen

    Kalau IEEE dianggap mahal dan sulit; ayo kita perkaya khasanah ICT nasional menggunakan jurnal ini.
    Site: internetworkingindonesia.org

  2. LuXsmaN

    ikutan SITIA aja maz, lebih murah

    • Koen

      IIJ kan gratis.

  3. Sofie

    Kapan terbitnya, Mas Koen? Jangan lupa kabari ya. Terima kasih kepada yang masih punya semangat sharing dan comitment penuh kepada profesi seperti ini.

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